There are a lot of benefits to testing an article before you do something really stupid like publish it so others can see your dumb-assed-ness. So you take time to write nonsense, post it to the internet, and then get reamed by gremlins named Susan and George, who say that you put a period in a place it didn’t belong, and used an Oxford Comma when they have been extinct for hundreds of days. So that’s what happens, and what you need to do and stuff.
I did a really dumbassed things a while back, it was monumental in that the police weren’t involved…. much.
This is the next paragraph, and it’s just as silly as the last one. It has a jumping hyena, and a pig that thinks it’s name is Lord Bacon, and a chicken who walks around with a Colonel Sanders tie on, and a bucket on his head. He says he’s destined for greater things. So, he is. I have an issue however. Do I broil him, fry him, or use his carcass for chicken and dumplings. I’m leaning toward chicken and dumplings as a side dish for the nice ham I’m going to make.